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We have green fingers…

This week in the wildlife area we planted our bean plants. They had grown too big for the pots in the classroom. We measured them before they were planted and will be keeping an eye on how much they grow over the next few weeks. We are hoping to see them flower after half term.
Posted On 13 May 2015
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A lovely time for a rounders game!

It was very windy yesterday afternoon but that didn’t stop us from getting outside and having a rounders game. The children threw the beanbags in lots of different directions and had to run as quickly as possible around the cones. I am looking forward to the tournament we...
Posted On 13 May 2015
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A great start to the day…

We have really enjoyed having breakfast with the Year 6 children everyday this week. It’s a great start to the day to all eat together and enjoy some conversation before school. It’s actually quite amazing to see how many pieces of toast some of them can fit in!!!! 
Posted On 13 May 2015