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Chair’s blog

Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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As you may see, we are trying to get all governors blogging rather than just me so the site should be a bit more fun.  Thanks to Timo for his contribution.  As Timo says, there were some laughs, many of which were at my expense – so what’s new?

On a slightly more serious note, we are now well into the new school year and no doubt the new arrivals will have settled in well into their new routine.  I have to say I missed the first day at school of both my children but don’t think there were too many problems – at least not on day one.  However, my wife and I saw our neighbours taking their daughter to the local primary school for her first day.  She went off skipping along the pavement in her new uniform dress.  a few minutes later we saw our neighbours return, both of them with tears in their eyes over this new experience.

It did remind of the day we took our daughter to university for her first year.  We managed to keep a brave face until the time to say goodbye when all three of us began to get a bit moist around the eyes which continued for a few miles on the way home.  Her younger brother remained unmoved.  We look back now after 18 years or so and realise how much her choice of university location has affected her life thereafter.  Although she is now back in Yorkshire, she has frequent weekends away to various places around the country to meet up with friends from university or colleagues from her later work.  Often so much in life will depend on those first steps to primary school.

Enough of philosophising.  Please make use of the comments facility on the website and let the governors know your views about Park Grove and your child’s education.  We want to hear from you.

All the best


Ian Yates

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