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Homework 7th January

Posted On 05 Jan 2014
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This week we are looking at non-fiction texts and will be learning about the different features of these types of books. Find a non-fiction book at home. Can you find the contents page? Does your book have a glossary? Which order is it written in? Use the index to find out about something from your book. Which is your favourite page in this book and why?



In maths this week we will be looking at estimating and using counting to check our estimations. We will also be thinking about rounding up or down to the nearest 10. Can you write a list of 2 digit numbers and write which tens number they are closest to? Remember the rule: If it ends in 1, 2, 3 or 4 round down, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 round up! In addition to this, we will be comparing lengths and measuring them using centimetres. I wonder if you can record the measurements of objects at home and draw them. Bring them in to show us.



This week we will be introducing our new topic ‘Rainforests’ and thinking about the concept of maps and distance by drawing ‘near and far’ maps. In Science we will be looking at different plants, naming their parts and finding out the function of these.


Our class assembly is coming up on Tuesday 28th January (9am) so we will be beginning to prepare for that. Please put the date in your diary.


Can we also remind everyone to check the children have full PE kits please (plimsolls, shorts and t – shirt – all named).


Thank you,

Mrs Hearson and Mrs Carr Brion

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