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Ladder League matches ANNOUNCEMENT!

We are a little behind with the Ladder League matches at the moment so this Tuesday I would like the Week 4, 5, 6 and 7 matches to be played at lunchtime. Please go into lunch straight away and come up to play your matches afterwards.

If you can not attend these matches, please see me at break time on Monday.

The fixtures for these matches are the following:

Week 4

Holly v Huw

Lydia v Franco

Moya v Devnara

Morgan v Jordan

Robby v Katy

Louie v Harry

Oleg v Jake

Will G v Aidan

Lucas v Ben

Nikoo v Jacob

Week 5

Holly v Robby

Lydia v Huw

Moya v Franco

Jordan v Devnara

Morgan v Aidan

Will G v Jacob

Louie v Katy

Oleg v Harry

Lucas v Jake

Nikoo v Ben

Week 6

Lucas v Harry

Holly v Louie

Lydia v Robby

Moya v Huw

Franco v Devnara

Jordan v Aidan

Morgan v Jacob

Will G v Ben

Oleg v Katy

Nikoo v Jake

Week 7

Holly v Oleg

Lydia v Louie

Moya v Robby

Franco v Huw

Aidan v Devnara

Jordan v Jacob

Morgan v Ben

Will G v Jake

Lucas v Katy

Nikoo v Harry

About the Author
  1. Holly

    Is it ok if I can play the matches on Monday or Tuesday? Thank you for telling me any way.

    • Mr Mastrelli

      Monday lunchtime.