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School Council Minutes 20th May 2014

Posted On 20 Jun 2014
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Chair: William and Bethan
Vice-chair: Travis
Treasurer: Ben
Secretary: Holly
Chief-bloggers: Toby, Olivia and Mani
Special Project Managers: Katie and Fletcher


Ben, Bethan, Ellen, Fletcher, Holly, Jacob, Katarina, Katie, Manon, Mr Mastrelli, Olivia, Rylie, Toby, Travis, William

Elliot, Shammim, Moya, Mrs Helliwell and Miss Sawyer

Miss Sawyer introduced the topics for discussion.


Register of Attendees
Holly made a note of those present.

Summer Fair ideas
The School Council talked in pairs to decide where they should position the goal for the Beat the Goalie stall that they are running at the School’s Summer Fair. They said that they should ask the Total Sports people to go in goal and take it in turns to make it fair. If that plan fails they will try to get parents involved. We need donations of sweets for prizes for the stall. Holly will write a letter to parents and pupils accordingly. We talked about having a Beat the Goalie leader board, and considered prizes for whoever won on the leader board. We suggested having small balls, footballs and bouncy balls as prizes. We also thought about a side activity, such as a jumble sale or a bouncy ball sale.

Suggestion boxes
Class 8 suggested that the school should have more food for lunch. They said that some options run out and you have to have a jacket potato instead, particularly for classes that came in late.
Class 5 suggested that the school should have more sports such as rounders, tennis and basketball.
Class 3 suggested that the School should install ramps on the climbing equipment to reach different places on the frame. The School Council said that it would be too dangerous and that it would cost a lot of money.
Class 9 suggested that the school should have more art lessons and an art club.
Class 6 suggested that there should be a limit of footballs on the playground, as some people may get injured or have a limited amount of space to play in.
Class 7 suggested that the School should have more items in the tuck shop. The School Council said that they already had it covered and maybe they could get pineapple juice if some people don’t like apple or orange.

Any other business
The School Council did a quick recap on what everyone was doing. Manon was doing the timetable and the rota for when different classes should get the new playground equipment out to play with. Ben is going to write a letter to the PTA thanking them for giving the School Council a stall for free.

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