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Homework 16th September


Week beginning Monday 16th September


In English this week we will begin reading stories in familiar settings. We will discuss what a familiar setting is and read some stories about Alfie and Annie-Rose. We will think about the setting, main events and characters within these stories. Think about what a familiar setting might be; can you write down a list of familiar settings in which stories can be set? Write a short story set in a familiar place. We look forward to reading them!



In maths we will be looking at how to find one or ten more or less than a number. We will be looking at what happens to the tens column and by counting forwards or backwards in ones and tens. Practise counting forwards and backwards in ones and tens, staring at different numbers up to 100. We will also be measuring lengths, drawing lines accurately and reading scales. Can you finds things with a scale on (a clock, car speedometer) etc?



We will be learning about exercise and how we keep our bodies healthy. We will also be thinking about what happens to our bodies when we get ill and what we can do to get well again.


If you have any old empty medicine bottles or boxes please could you bring them in?


Please remember to bring reading books every day and put them in the basket. We also have library on Monday so bring your book back so you can have a new one.


Mrs Hearson and Mrs Carr-Brion

About the Author
  1. Miss Sawyer

    What a lot of interesting homework. I would love to see some of it!

    • class4

      Come into our class Miss Sawyer. All our homework is displayed on our Working Wall.