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Ancient Greece…

This week we’ve started to learn about our new topic – the Ancient Greeks. We have researched some of the different gods and goddesses the Ancient Greeks worshipped and explored the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur in English. What have you enjoyed about this topic so far?


About the Author
  1. 0sc@r

    My favourite part was looking at the Battle of Marathon and planning (and soon writing up) a diary entry. Mine is of Philleippides (I think that’s how you spell it!)

  2. Ivy

    I enjoy reading Theseus and the Minotaur! I also am looking forward to writing my own Greek myth.

  3. Emma

    I liked doing the description about a god or goddess.

  4. leah

    I have enjoyed the myth about Theseus and the Minotaur also i cant wait for our new project!

  5. Sam Salter

    Well I have enjoyed the book Theasius and the Minotre. And I have enjoyed describeing the mood of the story.

  6. kyran

    i really enjoy learning about greek gods

  7. Molly

    I have really enjoyed writing the fact files about gods.

  8. mani

    I liked researching Hades God of the Underworld.

  9. FLETCHER!!!

    i really enjoy this topic because the myths are really cool

  10. Kyle

    I really enjoyed learning about Gods and Goddesses(finding lots about them e.g powers, and that they appear in stories)

  11. Kian

    I like Ancient Greece and I would like to find all the facts I can about this topic.

  12. Harvey

    I’m enjoying learning about ancient Grease

  13. Eddy!!!

    i have extremely enjoyed working on this topic so far and i cant wait to continue in the future because i incredibly enjoy working on Greek myth!!!

  14. Eddy!!!

    i have extremely enjoyed working on this topic so far and i cant wait to continue in the future because i incredibly enjoy working on Greek myth!!!

  15. Chelsea

    I’ve really enjoyed reading the story about Theseus and the minotaur.
    Also about are Greek gods we chose to research about.

  16. Amalie

    I love the Greek topic it is very fun :);):p;p

  17. Lucy

    I have enjoyed this topic so far, i am excited to find more about Greek gods and other Ancient Greek stuff. 🙂

  18. Amalie

    I love the Greek topic it is very fun :);):p;p!!!!!

  19. Joe

    Even though it was in English not Topic, my favorite so far is writing about Theseus in the maze up until where he meets the minotaur.

  20. Alexander Savkovic (playground buddy)

    I felt sorry for the messenger who had to run everywhere as he eventually died 🙁 🙁

  21. Aruma

    I really enjoy looking at gods and goddess as they are very interesting to learn about. I also like looking at stories and myths.

  22. stanley

    I’m excited to be doing this topic especially when doing the Greek myths.

  23. Abi

    I bet the messanger was very thirsty after running a lot!

  24. Nicola

    I have enjoyed pretty much everything. I especially love the section on Gods and Goddesses. :):):):):):)

  25. Janet

    I am loving learning about the Ancient Greeks especially the old myths and the famous Greek Gods and Goddesses! ;0 :0

  26. Lauren

    I am really liking our Ancient Greece topic and reading about Theseus and Minotaur and the battle of Marathon.