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Today we played an exciting game of Benchball. What did you enjoy about this game?

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  1. Joe

    It was a really fun and exciting game. 🙂

  2. Betsy

    I loved this game of class bench ball and the mat replacing the bench really helped because you could move around much more.

  3. Sophie

    I thought that the game of bench ball was very fun even though we didn’t have the benches.

  4. Molly

    I loved being goalie and passing to everyone .

  5. Alexander Savkovic (playground buddy)

    I really enjoyed benchball although at the end it was too easy as we only had to pass 3 times instead of 6. 🙂

  6. Kian

    I enjoyed running around and playing a game that is like netball because I haven’t played netball for a while. 🙂 :0

  7. Alexander Savkovic (playground buddy)

    It was brilliant! :-):-) 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😀

  8. Mollie

    I enjoyed being captain, my team being Ireland and playing the games of Benchball. 🙂

  9. Olivia

    I loved playing bench ball because its a fun game and its a mix between basket ball and netball.:-)

  10. ben bran

    if we won it would be good but as we did not it was not as good haha im joking how funny am I i said sarcastic.

  11. Mollie

    and also the competition.

  12. Ella

    Goal is a bit boring but when you are not in goal it is really fun:)

  13. Janet

    I enjoyed playing as a team;) :-).

  14. Oscar :D

    All games were amazing that we played. I had a great time being captain. I’m not normally captain and when I did, I was really excited. I don’t know why I chose Argentina, I was thinking of Brazil at first but I eventually decided Argentina. I thought everyone played well and P.E with Mr. Mastrelli I can tell will be fantastic! 🙂 😀 😛 😉

  15. dominic

    i really enjoyed the game be you had to move around a lot

    🙂 🙂

  16. Lewkas

    It was a bit accurate but exciting at the same time. I really enjoyed the lesson. If I were captain I would have chosen Tanzania as a country or Tunisia.

  17. stanley

    I loved it because did some amazing catching and defending


  18. Alexander (school council)

    I really want to do it again! 🙂 🙂 :-0 😀

  19. Alexander (school council)

    I would probably of chosen Papa New Guinea as my country! B-)

  20. Mrs Steel

    It sounds like you all really enjoyed your PE lesson.

  21. Molly

    I loved playing Bench ball.:)

  22. Emma

    Bench balls fun and exciting!:)

  23. Alexander Savkovic (playground buddy)

    Benchball is one of my favourite sports.

  24. Emma

    I like this game because its exciting and also very fun!

  25. mani

    Bench ball is so fun I’ve played it before.

  26. janet

    I loved that we worked as a team 😉 :> (‘3’).

  27. Harvey

    I like it.