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Would you like to be famous?

About the Author
  1. mae

    yes but not too famous.

  2. Jasmine

    Yeah I’d love to be famouse company wont be a problem when you have money!

  3. Melo

    I would like to be semi-famous,so, I would like to be somebody that works hard and it pays of… literally!

  4. George

    I would like to be famous because I could be peoples role models and lead them in the right direction when they do wrong.

  5. mae

    It would be great to be famous!

  6. Moya

    Personally, I would not like to be famous because I like my privacy and frankly famous people don’t have that luxury. Also, the pressure of being famous would probably drive me crazy!

  7. Molly

    i don’t know!


  8. Katy

    I am not sure if I would like to be famous because it depends what I am famous for like if it is being a famous gymnast then yes but famous singer then NO!!!!!!! 🙂

  9. thisen

    NO! Because I m happy as I am(also I don’t want to be followed by paparazzi!!!!

  10. Bethan (School council)

    I would like to be famous because of all the fame and fans but you don’t really have real friends and you can’t stay true to yourself all the time!

  11. Jaydon

    I’d like to be famous because i;d get lots of money and wealth.

  12. Marshall

    I would like to be famous because you can get more friends and more money but i wouldn’t want to be famous because you can get really crowded.

  13. William

    Yes! I would love to become a professional tennis player!

  14. Thomas

    I would be famous up to a certain point. So people would’t follow me anywhere and I could go into the streets without being harassed.

  15. Ava

    No not really, cause it would mean that you wouldn’t have any privacy.

  16. libby

    I would like to be famous so I can show people what I can do and also show them that being famous isn’t all about looking good and getting lots of money.

  17. Isabella

    No I wouldn’t like to be famous!

  18. Erin

    I would love to be an author, but not famous internationally.

  19. Archie

    No and yes.
    The no because the privacy crushing and all the papperatzi and no living space.
    Yes because the wealth and with the money you can do stuff for charity and also because you know you have accomplished something in life.

  20. Oleg

    I would like to be famous because, If you would be famous you would have lots and lots money and a massive mansion.

  21. Aidan

    Yes!same here! I would become either an olympic swimmer or proffessional waterpolo player!

  22. Sam

    I’m not sure… but I’ve always wanted to be a writer!

  23. robert

    If i was famous id want to be like George clooney don’t know if i spell t that right.

  24. William (school council co-chair)

    Personally I wouldn’t like to be famous, I would just like to be well known. The thought of lot of money and your pictures in the paper would be pretty cool but then you would get tailed by paparazzi and people could post rude and embarrassing things about you. As I said before I would just stick to being well known. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  25. Nicole

    Cool! It sort of depends what i would be famous for…

    i think it would be cool to be famous in a way that you do things, it goes on the news and stuff like that but no one knows who it is. Sorta like a secret but your famous for what you’ve done!

  26. Archie

    But now that everyone has been posting what for I would only like to be famous for sports but basketball is the one I’m most likely to get famous for.

  27. William (school council co-chair)

    Personally I wouldn’t like to be famous, I would just like to be well known. The thought of lot of money and your pictures in the paper would be pretty cool but then you would get tailed by paparazzi and people could post rude and embarrassing things about you. As I said before I would just stick to being well known. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  28. Jaydon

    I’d like to be a little bit famous so that I wouldn’t have to much fans

  29. Bethan (School council)

    I would want to be famous though! I think it would be cool but not too famous!

  30. tomas

    Yes I would like to be a famous football player!!!!! 🙂

  31. Jacob

    I would want to be famous for sport but not any thing else.

  32. Klaudia

    I don’t really want to be famous.
    maybe a little bite i think :d

  33. Klaudia

    I don’t want to be famous !

  34. libby

    I would like to be famous it will be a good experience but it will be cool not to be 🙂

  35. Skye

    I want to be famous I think it would be fun.