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Great Wave

What did you think of the ‘Great Wave ‘ by Hokusai that we looked at today? Did you enjoy creating your own image of it?

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  1. Nicole

    I like the great wave and the other Images of Mount Fuji. It was very fun drawing our own versions of the great wave and everyone gave it a nice, personal touch. 😀

  2. Melo

    The great wave is an incredible picture; i love it! Making our own was super fun and very enjoyable 🙂

  3. Marshall

    I liked the great wave and when we did the drawing it was well fun 🙂

  4. Erin

    I think that Hokusai was an extremely talented artist. The Great Wave had lots of detail and must of been hart to come up with.

  5. William

    I really enjoyed trying to draw the great wave and i thought it was a amazing piece of art work 😀

  6. Klaudia

    I like great wave and other images.

  7. mae

    I thought it was so fun because we got to copy the picture and i found that easier than making it up.

  8. robert

    I actually like Japanese drawings:D

  9. Katy

    I thought that the great wave was very different to most paintinngs of waves and sea but it was also very nice.

  10. George

    I especially enjoyed drawing the waves in a very unique style. Hokusai really captured the whole landscape in his work.

  11. Jacob

    It is a great drawing.

  12. Jaydon

    I liked drawing the great wave although im not that good at drawing.

  13. Bethan (school council)

    It was really fun but a bit hard!

  14. Sam

    I’ve got a painting of it in my house!

    • William(school council)

      COOL 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  15. Jaydon

    I really enjoyed painting the painting.

  16. Tomas

    I was fun painting the grate wave 🙂

  17. William(school council)

    I liked the piece of artwork. It’s really good and looks amazing

    😀 😀 😀 😀

  18. Thomas

    I think Hokusai was an amazing artist and could paint things to perfection.

  19. Bethan (school council)

    I strongly agree Thomas

  20. Moya

    I enjoyed it as much as the next person!!:D

  21. thisen

    I enjoyed drawing the great wave because I like paintings of nature and it sort of painted a image in my mind.