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Jennifer Harbertson (Teaching Assistant)

Posted On 08 Sep 2020
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My name is Jennifer Harbertson. I have worked in Park Grove since 2019 and in my very first week I knew it was the place for me when I asked for directions to the library and one of my colleagues said, “Go upstairs, then in the corner there is the Narnia Wardrobe, it’s through there!” I love being part of such a creative and inspiring atmosphere with new ideas budding and blossoming from everyone.

I have three (yes three!) young boys at home and we enjoy playing board and card games (I prefer to win) and riding our bikes together. When I do get a chance to be on my own, I enjoy getting my nose stuck into a good book by one of my favourite authors, (Louis de Bernieres or Dr Seuss) or learning something new (like another language,  writing my own story or trying a new escape room challenge).

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