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Well done, your art work this week is stunning!

About the Author
  1. mae

    me and molly did a massive flag.

  2. Katy

    Me and Moya have started a big one together it looks really good!! 🙂

  3. William(SCHOOL COUNCIL)

    THANK YOU 😀 😀 😀 😀

  4. William

    I really enjoyed doing this plainly because it was different to what we normally do!!!

  5. Jasmine


    Angle friend

  6. Moya

    I liked doing all of the Matisse work but I still need to finish off my shared project with Katy!

  7. Erin

    I made a spooky forest with Bethan!

    🙂 😉

  8. Aidan

    I have enjoyed doing this work,but i would say my favorite part
    is the cards for fathers day! 😀 :D:D

  9. Sam

    I did a Desert Island, and for my laminated art I did loads of Doctor Who related pictures.

  10. Bethan

    I made a spooky forest with Erin! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  11. George

    I did a large book.

  12. William(school council)

    I did an exploding TARDIS 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😀 😀 😀

  13. mae

    i used tissue paper for my laminated one.

  14. Jasmine


  15. Jasmine

    It was so fun! 😉

  16. libby

    Well done everyone there look fantastic on the widows & walls.

  17. Bethan (school council)

    U all did so well and the pictures are really nice 2 look at!