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Welcome to Class 7

I hope you like the look of the new website.

Have a look here to find out the latest news from Class 7


Mr Staite


About the Author
  1. Lilliana

    Can’t wait! Hoping it’s going to be a fun website! 😉

  2. Ivy

    I like the class 7 blog, although there isn’t much on it but once you added more on, I’ll soon be happy hearing from it.

  3. aruma

    hello!;] 🙂 ;0;-;.

    • aruma

      :] :} ;} ;] 😉

    • Lilliana

      Hello to you too! 😉

  4. Leah

    I like the blog because it’s GREAT but it doesn’t have much on it but I still like it.

  5. layla

    I love your new website because the photos and the blogs are nice.

  6. aruma

    😉 🙂 😉 🙂

  7. jake


    • jake


  8. Eddy

    Hello,Mr Staite. Your blog is awesome!I think you should keep on improoving it.

  9. olivia

    hello Mr Staite this is the best website YET! i like typing!!!!!!!!!!!

    • sasha

      hello Mr Staite i like the website

  10. Gaurie

    Hi Mr Staite I want to tell you and evreybody how exited I am because my brother is going up from phionix to reception !!!!!
    your sincierly Gaurie class5

  11. Ivy

    :)B) Can’t wait until you put more stuff on

  12. Lilliana

    Does anyone out there know where the hidden video is? I can’t find it. 🙁

    • fletcher

      I found the video,if you go down the home page a little you will see the school description and click on fun.=)

      • admin

        Well done Fletcher!

  13. Mr Staite

    Hello Mr Staite I like your idea

  14. Joseph

    I think class 7 is great!

  15. Holly and Jaimie

    We’re really looking foward to a year of fun and happiness in Class 7!!

  16. leah

    hi 😉 🙂

  17. dominic

    () loving the blog

  18. Lilliana

    I <3 this website! 😀

  19. Tom c and Kyle

    your website is brilliant thanks

  20. kyran

    I think class 7 is very fun

  21. Ivy

    Nice website 🙂 🙁 😉

  22. nicola

    the website is great and realy fun

    • LAYLA


  23. Gaurie

    🙂 can’t wait till tomorrw

  24. Emma

    I like the photos

  25. Ivy

    I love the class 7 blog 🙂 😉

  26. leah

    like the website

  27. kenzie & khai

    best website ever !!!!!!

  28. layla

    Loving our topic the six wives of Henry v11 all died.