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World Book Day 2019!

Posted On 13 Mar 2019
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What a super, cosy and fun-filled day for World Book Day. It was wonderful to see all children in the different classes in their pjs!

In EYFS/KS1, each class explored a different traditional tale ranging from Goldilocks and the Three Bears to The Enormous Turnip. In Class 3, they were reading the Three Little Pigs and used the Mighty Writer board to help retell the story. They then drew a comic of the story and ended the day by retelling it through fantastic shadow puppetry.

As the theme was ‘Bedtime Stories’, we also had a visit from Miss Sawyer, Mrs Steel, Mrs Hearson or Mrs Martin for a special story time during the morning. We watched Will Young on Cbeebies Bedtime Stories read ‘Two Dads’ which was illustrated by one of our own PG parents – Sophie Humphreys.

Throughout the day, Sophie also visited the KS2 classes for an illustrating workshop. We used some of our own writing to create a brief and have a go at illustrating our character Emily Sands. We then thought of how stories have both words and pictures to paint an image in the reader’s head and how both can inspire each other. After that, Classes 8 and 9 created their own narratives based on a random character, setting and object which they pulled out of hats!

To draw World Book Day to a close, we had a whole school assembly to celebrate the enjoyment of reading. Each class recited a poem of choice and performed to one another. It was a great way to end World Book Day 2019!

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