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Class Assembly Practise

On Monday in class 5 we began to practise our class assembly for next week. Can you guess what it might be about?

About the Author
  1. isobel

    i really like the play asspecially the ollimpians song

  2. dylan

    I am Aesop

    • brooke abigail

      tell us a fable asop

  3. CHLOE

    I cant wait until the assembly!

  4. ellissia


  5. Eurwen

    I love praktsing the songs. I am the narrator.

  6. poppy

    I am realy enjoying the class assembaly and I think I know my lines.

  7. morgan

    Ancient Greece!

  8. Ela cicek

    i think a good feeling that lots of peole will like the assemdly

  9. Aaron

    iy en goy ar asemblee iy carnt wayt un til we do it

  10. Ben

    it’s going to be awesome!

  11. Aaron

    i enjoyed our practice assembely i cant wait until we do the real one

  12. Aaron

    i enjoyed our practice assembely i cant wait until we do the real one

  13. ruby

    I’m so exited for the class 5 assembly
    . and I am so exited for you all to see it.

    • brooke abigail

      so am I cus I am looking forward to doing it

  14. Olive Conlon


    Dear miss clayton

    I ra

    Dear miss clayton I Really enjoy the ancient greece asembally it is funny and it shows lots of intresting facts about the topic. I cant, wait to performe it on tuesday

  15. brooke abigail

    I am looking good