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E-Safety work

This afternoon we looked a range of topics related to internet safety. We discussed important scenarios as a whole class and then worked in groups to give advice to each other if we were in certain situations.

About the Author
  1. Janet

    I really enjoyed playing with these flash-cards;I learnt a lot!

  2. Travis

    This was very informative for me and it was quite fun. It was fun discussing it with my table.

  3. kyran

    this was a interesting lession

  4. mani

    I found out a lot during this session about internet safety. 😉

  5. Aruma

    I enjoyed this session although some of the situations were a bit tricky and had to think very hard. 🙂

  6. Sam Salter

    I enjoyed this lesson because the cards showed us what to do if we wherein that situation.

  7. Sam Salter

    I enjoyed this lesson because the cards showed us what to do if we wherein that situation.

  8. Alexander Savkovic (playground buddy)

    I enjoyed discussing different scenarios and how to deal with them.

  9. Chelsea

    I enjoyed looking at the different types of internet safety and looking at ways to solve them.

  10. Amalie

    I really enjoyed this activity as you can see…

  11. Amalie

    I really enjoyed this activity 😉 :). As you can see…