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Euro 2016 Stickers!

Amid the hard work from everyone in Class 8 , we are also attempting to complete the Euro 2016 Panini sticker album by the end of the tournament in July. We have been very lucky to have so many fantastic donations to our class album so far and as a result  340 of the total 680 stickers have already been stuck in!

If you have any further donations, please can you bring them into Class 8 in the next few weeks. Remember one of you will be lucky enough to keep the album forever at the end of the year!


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  1. kyran

    I think we can get all of them.

  2. Emma

    This is really good so far and i’m going to bring some stickers in soon. 🙂

  3. lauren

    I have really liked bringing in swaps to fill the book I am so excited to see who wins the book !!!!

  4. Kian

    come on! We can get all the stickers.

  5. Lucy

    It is exciting having a sticker album in class 8, al-tho+u+gh +n+ow we have loads of stickers, its hard to get any that we haven’t already got! 🙂

  6. Sam Salter

    Are we going to do what we did in class 5 and have a country for each pupil and if there country wins that person gets a football . I also think that we will complete the album .

  7. Joe

    I’ve all ready donated and I’ll try to give some more.

  8. MaNi ! / kian ?

    we can get all the stickers 😉 🙂 😀