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The 500 words competition has been launched for 2016 on Radio 2. Lots of you have been asking us about it and are clearly already very excited! We will look at the competition in more detail in our English lessons on Monday so don’t worry if you haven’t entered before.


Normally our homework projects don’t run over the holidays but as the online deadline for the competition is 25th February you may want to continue to work on it over the holidays.


In previous years we have found that entering the competition works best if you ask an adult at home to enter your story and either gmail or print of a copy of your story to share in class. However, if you would like your teacher to enter your story into the competition for you please let them know. If you don’t have access to a computer at home but would still like to enter the competition let your teachers know and they will arrange a sometime over lunch when you can use a laptop.


There is no set deadline to complete this homework so please bring in your stories to share when they are ready. We will launch a new homework project the first week back after the holidays.

About the Author
  1. Manon

    I don’t have any ideas