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Homework so far this week

Posted On 06 Nov 2013
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Well done everyone! We’ve enjoyed the homework we’ve received so far. Well done Cara for ‘blogging’. We want to see more. The homework for this past week is attached so you can have a look again to find out what we’ve been doing.
Ms Lamb and Mrs Jolly.

Week beginning Monday 4th November
Welcome back!
In English we will be starting the half term by looking at stories which feature favourite toys (Kipper’s toy box, Dogger etc.) Please bring your favourite toy in on TUESDAY. We’re also writing labels. Can you find any labels at home, what sort of information do they tell you? Please look at the class blog on the school website. The website address is at the bottom of the homework sheet. You could write about your ‘Half Term Break’.
In maths we will be using the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ and we will be looking at money. To support the work on money please encourage your child to help with the shopping. What coins do they recognise?
Our topic this half term is toys. We will be looking at the history of toys, making our own and talking about our own toys. Over the next few weeks at home could you find out about toys together? Why do we have them? How have they changed over time? What did your parents and grandparents play with?
Please bring in ‘junk’ (boxes, cardboard tubes) for modelling next week.
Please remember to keep blogging –
Many Thanks, Class 1 team

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