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Homework Monday 6th November

Posted On 25 Oct 2013
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Half term and week beginning 4th November

We’ve had a busy first half term, well done to everyone for working so hard. We are very impressed with you all and how much progress we have made already.  Enjoy your week off! Here is some information about what we will be doing after half term:


In English we will be starting the half term by looking at stories with patterned language and stories from different cultures. We would love it if you could bring in some of your own stories from home which we can share when we get time to in class. During the half term can you write a short story about a child who lives in a hot or cold country? What might they do during the day? How might their life be different to yours?


In maths we will be doing some multiplication. This begins with activities so we understand what it means – e.g. 3 x 4 is 3 lots of 4 or 4 lots of 3. We can do this by counting out groups of objects – 3 groups of 4 buttons etc. You can try to show different multiplications at home using objects.



Our topic after Half term is toys. We will be looking at the history of toys, making our own and talking about our own toys. During the holiday could you find out about toys? Why do we have them? How have they changed over time? What did you parents and grandparents play with. You could make a scrapbook or factsheet – we’d love to see them.


Please remember to keep blogging – We’d love to find out what you are doing in half term and we’ll send messages to tell you what we are up to.


Mrs Hearson and Mrs Carr-Brion

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