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Homework Project

Our topic this half term is the Ancient Greeks so for your next homework project we would like you to design and/or create your own Greek god or goddess.

Your new Greek god/goddess could have an exciting power or have a special feature. Think of the different symbols and animals that represent the gods and goddesses we have researched – what symbols will represent your god/goddess?

We will be writing our own Greek Myths in English next week so this is a great opportunity to include some of your own gods/goddesses in them!

You can present your work in any way you chose but please have your new god or goddess ready to bring into school on Friday 29th April. Good luck with your project and we look forward to seeing your designs in class!

About the Author
  1. Lauren

    I am really excited about creating my own Greek god/godess

  2. Aruma

    I cant wait to make my own Greek goddess! I have many ideas I don’t know what to choose. 🙂

  3. Travis

    Okay, this has to be my favourite project. It just seems very fun!

  4. Eddy!!!

    I am really looking forward to starting this homework project as it allows me to be really creative ad I’ve already thought of some really
    exiting ideas!!!

  5. Joe

    Im really looking forward to seeing everyone else’s gods or goddesses and showing people mine

  6. Amalie

    I am really looking forward to finishing my homework project!!

  7. Nicola

    I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s Greek God/Goddess. :):):D:D

  8. Av

    I’m looking forward to sharing my project to the class… Also looking at other people’s designs 😉 🙂 :^) :^()

  9. Louie

    This is going to be a really cool homework project and I can’t wait until we present them!!!!!!!

  10. 0sc@r

    I can’t wait to see everyone’s ideas – I can imagine that they will be really creative!

  11. leah

    This project sounds really fun!

  12. kyran

    i think making a greek god will be fun

  13. stanley

    Sounds awesome!!!

  14. ben br

    i can not wait to others and the only thing i am going to say about mine it is random.

  15. Sam Salter

    I’m still not sure on who/what I’m going to do. But there name will probably end in either Ties E.g Arthrodieties, or something greeky…

  16. Molly

    That sounds great I can’t wait to see everyone’s homework.

  17. Alexander Savkovic (playground buddy)

    I’m really excited about this homework project as you get to present your work and God in any way. I am going to present it on a PowerPoint! 🙂

  18. Ivy

    I am already working on making my Greed god/goddess!

    • Ivy


  19. FLETCHER!!!

    cant wait for this

  20. Kyle

    this homework project is amazing I think there will be some creative and detailed Gods and Goddesses!

  21. Abi

    I’m very excited to do my home work because it sound very cool !

  22. Amalie

    I t was very nice to see the Greek God/Goddesses! 🙂 😉

  23. Amalie

    I t was very nice to see the Greek God/Goddesses! 🙂 😉 it was fun! 🙂 😉