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Homework project

As our current KS2 topic is Going for Gold, your next homework project will be to find out about the capital city of one of the countries taking part in the 2016 Olympics. You should research your chosen capital city carefully and could include details about the population, geographical features, places to visit or any other information you find interesting.

We would like you to have a paper copy of your project to share with your classmates, but you can choose to present your information however you like (a leaflet, poster, travel guide for families, a printed powerpoint presentation etc.). Your homework projects should be brought in ready to share by Friday 24th June and we look forward to seeing what you can find out!

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  1. Osc@r

    I can’t wait to see everyone’s presentations! I have a hint: I am doing a group of pacific islands beginning with t! 😉 😀 😛 🙂

  2. Molly

    hat sounds fun. 🙂

  3. kyran

    This sounds like a good homework project

  4. Amalie

    I am looking forward to this homework! I can’t wait to see everyone else’s! 🙂 😉 !

  5. Lauren

    I am so excited for this homework because I get to research Athens the capital of Greece.

  6. Travis

    I’m going for Ottawa, Canada’s capital. Why? Because my favourite country is Canada! I might do a google presentation with my own google account.

  7. Ben Br

    i can not wait to do my homework it will be fun and creative but it is so hard to chose between all the countries 🙁