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KS2 Topic Celebration: Ancient Civilisations!

Posted On 08 Dec 2022
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As part of our end of term topic celebration, all of KS2 took part in a day of exciting activities to celebrate what we had learnt about ‘Ancient Civilisations’. We started the morning with a talk from ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ author Emma Carroll, who told us all about the 100 year anniversary of Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. Then in the afternoon, the key stage split into two groups. One took part in a challenging scavenger hunt using all of their topic knowledge learnt over the term. This involved following clues leading to different rooms which allowed us to reveal a secret word. The gym was also transformed into a secret tomb – the children had to make their way through a tunnel into the tomb where a mummification was taking place!

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