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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Final Ofsted Report!!

  Our final Ofsted report has been sent to all of our parents on Parent Hub today.   We are delighted with our inspection result and would like to thank you all for your contributions and comments. Your children were amazing during the inspection and we are so very...
Posted On 19 Nov 2021
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Training Day Friday 19th November

  Just to remind you all that Friday 19th November is a Training Day. The children will not be coming into school on this day and we hope they enjoy the extra long weekend!
Posted On 12 Nov 2021
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Dark Grove amazing funds raised!

  We would like to thank the PTA everyone who attended ‘Dark Grove’. We made a staggering £1374.17!!! Which will go towards funding experiences and resources for the children. Well done everyone!!!
Posted On 05 Nov 2021
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Children in Need!

On Thursday 18th November, we are going to raise money for Children in Need. Children are allowed to wear pyjamas/pudsey wear/spotty clothing to school. Your child can bring £1 or pay via Parent Pay. We look forward to seeing your child in lovely pyjamas that they curl up in bed...
Posted On 05 Nov 2021
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Happy Half Term!!

  We just wanted to wish you all a happy half term!! Have fun, stay safe and have a well deserved rest!!  
Posted On 22 Oct 2021
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Open afternoon!

We are holding an open afternoon for perspective new parents for the Reception year 2022. The open afternoon will be held in the school hall on Thursday 4th November at 1:30pm-3pm.  We will share important information about our school and you will be given a tour of school by...
Posted On 22 Oct 2021
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Walk in the local area

  As part of our Geography work, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils will be going for a walk in the local area looking at features and buildings of interest.   This guided walk will take place on Tuesday 12th October. We hope the children have fun and learn a lot!
Posted On 08 Oct 2021
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Thank you

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to Ofsted last week. We appreciate all of your support and comment. You can read Miss Sawyer’s update letter here.
Posted On 04 Oct 2021
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