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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Weekly Newsletter 19th July 2024

Newsletter 19.07.24
Posted On 19 Jul 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 12th July 2024

Newsletter 12.07.24
Posted On 16 Jul 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 5th July 2024

Newsletter 05.07.24
Posted On 05 Jul 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 28th June 2024

Newsletter 28.06.24
Posted On 28 Jun 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 21st June 2024

Newsletter 21.06.24
Posted On 21 Jun 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 14th June 2024

Newsletter 14.06.24
Posted On 14 Jun 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 7th June 2024

Newsletter 07.06.24
Posted On 07 Jun 2024
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Weekly Newsletter, Attendance, Inclusion letters 24th May 2024

Attendance & Punctuality Newsletter – Summer Term 1 2024 Inclusion Newsletter May 2024 (1) (2) Newsletter 24.05.24
Posted On 24 May 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 17th May 2024

Newsletter 17.05.24
Posted On 17 May 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 10th May 2024

Newsletter 10.05.24
Posted On 14 May 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 3rd May 2024

Newsletter 03.05.24
Posted On 03 May 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 19th April 2024

Newsletter 19.04.24
Posted On 19 Apr 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 12th April 2024

Newsletter 12.04.24
Posted On 12 Apr 2024
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Happy Easter!!!

We would like to wish you all a wonderful Easter break. Relax, have fun and stay safe. See you back at school on Monday 8th April!  
Posted On 22 Mar 2024
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Attendance, Inclusion and Weekly Newsletters 22nd March 2024

Newsletter 22.03.24 Attendance & Punctuality Newsletter – Spring Term 2 2024 Inclusion Newsletter March 2024 (1)
Posted On 22 Mar 2024
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Comic Relief Donations!

We just wish to thank you for all your kind donations for Comic Relief last Friday. We are pleased to let you know that we managed to raise £135.00 for this wonderful cause!
Posted On 19 Mar 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 15th March 2024

Newsletter 15.03.24
Posted On 15 Mar 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 8th March 2024

Newsletter 08.03.24
Posted On 08 Mar 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 1st March 2024

Newsletter 01.03.24
Posted On 01 Mar 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 23rd February 2024

Newsletter 23.02.24
Posted On 01 Mar 2024
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Attendance, Inclusion and Weekly Newsletter 9th February 2024

Newsletter 09.02.2024 Inclusion Newsletter February 24 Attendance & Punctuality Newsletter – Spring Term 1 2024
Posted On 09 Feb 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 2nd February 2024

Newsletter 2.02.2024
Posted On 02 Feb 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 26th

Newsletter 26.01.2024
Posted On 26 Jan 2024
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Newsletter 19th January 2024

Newsletter 19.01.2024
Posted On 19 Jan 2024
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Weekly Newsletter 12th January 2024

Newsletter 12.01.2024
Posted On 12 Jan 2024
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Inclusion and Weekly Newsletter 22nd December 2023

Newsletter 22.12.2023 _Inclusion Newsletter December 2023 (3)
Posted On 22 Dec 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 15th December 2023

Newsletter 15.12.2023
Posted On 15 Dec 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 1st December 2023

Newsletter 01.12.2023
Posted On 01 Dec 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 17th November 2023

Newsletter 17.11.2023
Posted On 17 Nov 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 10th November 2023

Newsletter 10.11.2023
Posted On 10 Nov 2023
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Weekly Newsletter and Inclusion Newsletter 27th October 2023

Newsletter 27th October 2023 Inclusion Newsletter October 2023
Posted On 27 Oct 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 20th October 2023

Newsletter 20.10.2023
Posted On 20 Oct 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 13th October 2023

Newsletter 13.10.2023
Posted On 13 Oct 2023
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Open Day for new parents

Open Morning 2023.docx
Posted On 06 Oct 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 6th October 2023

Newsletter 06.10.2023
Posted On 06 Oct 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 29th September 2023 and other information

Newsletter 29.09.2023 (1) Pupil Premium and FSM letter  PG Attendance Policy – Sept 2023 – 2024 Attendance & Punctuality Newsletter – Autumn Term 1 2023
Posted On 29 Sep 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 22nd September 2023

      Newsletter 22.09.2023  
Posted On 22 Sep 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 15th September 2023

Newsletter 15.09.2023
Posted On 15 Sep 2023
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Welcome Back!!

  Welcome back to all our pupils at Park Grove and a warm welcome to all our new reception starters! We hope you all had a wonderful Summer and are refreshed and ready to learn!
Posted On 08 Sep 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 8th September 2023 & Attendance Letter

Attendance Letter.docx Newsletter 08.09.2023
Posted On 08 Sep 2023
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Happy Summer Everyone!!!!

Happy Summer Everyone!!! We hope you have a wonderful 6 weeks off, enjoy the break and stay safe. We will see you all back in school on Tuesday 5th September 2023. Good Luck to all the children starting at their new secondary schools – we will miss you!!! On another...
Posted On 21 Jul 2023
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Weekly Newsletter & Inclusion Newsletter 21st July 2023

Inclusion Newsletter July 20232 (2) Newsletter 21.07.2023
Posted On 21 Jul 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 14th July 2023

Newsletter 14.07.2023
Posted On 14 Jul 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 7th July 2023

Newsletter 07.07.2023
Posted On 07 Jul 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 23rd June 2023

Newsletter 23.06.2023
Posted On 23 Jun 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 16th June 2023

Newsletter 16.06.2023
Posted On 16 Jun 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 9th June 2023

Newsletter 09.06.2023
Posted On 09 Jun 2023
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Weekly, Inclusion & Attendance Newsletters 26th May 2023

Newsletter 26.05.2023 _Inclusion Newsletter May 2023 (1) Attendance Newsletter 5 – May 2023
Posted On 26 May 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 19th May 2023

  Newsletter 19.05.2023
Posted On 19 May 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 12th May 2023

  Newsletter 12.05.2023
Posted On 12 May 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 5th May 2023

  Newsletter 05.05.2023
Posted On 05 May 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 28th April 2023

  Newsletter 28.04.2023
Posted On 28 Apr 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 21st April 2023 and Coronation Breakfast

  Coronation breakfast.docx Newsletter 21.04.2023
Posted On 21 Apr 2023
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Happy Easter Everyone!!

  We break up from school today for the Easter Holidays. We hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable 2 weeks off!! We will see the children back in school on Monday 17th April.
Posted On 31 Mar 2023
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Weekly Newsletter and Inclusion Newsletter 31st March 2023

  Newsletter 31.03.2023 Inclusion Newsletter 31st March 2023 (1)
Posted On 31 Mar 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 24th March 2023

  Newsletter 24.03.2023
Posted On 24 Mar 2023
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Red Nose Day 2023!

Thank you to everyone who donated to Red Nose Day 2023 yesterday. We raised a grand total of £122 for Comic Relief!
Posted On 17 Mar 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 17th March 2023

Newsletter 17.03.2023
Posted On 17 Mar 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 10th March 2023

        Newsletter 10.03.2023  
Posted On 10 Mar 2023
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Training Day Friday 17th March

  Just a reminder that next Friday is a training day. The school will be closed for all children on Friday 17th March.
Posted On 10 Mar 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 3rd March 2023

          Newsletter 03.03.2023
Posted On 03 Mar 2023
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PTA Bake Off!!

    We are delighted to announce that due to your kind donations for the PTA bake off, we managed to raise a grand total of £350!! A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to this event!
Posted On 24 Feb 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 24th February 2023

  Newsletter 24.2.2023
Posted On 24 Feb 2023
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Weekly newsletter & Inclusion newsletter 10th February 2023

  Inclusion Newsletter 10 February 2023 Newsletter 10.2.2023
Posted On 10 Feb 2023
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Weekly newsletter & monthly attendance newsletter 3rd February 2023

  Attendance Monthly Newsletter 3 – February 2023 Newsletter 3.2.2023 (1)
Posted On 03 Feb 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 27th January 2023

  Newsletter 27.1.2023
Posted On 27 Jan 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 20th January 2023

    Newsletter 20.1.2023
Posted On 20 Jan 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 13th January 2023

  Weekly Newsletter 13.1.2023
Posted On 13 Jan 2023
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Weekly Newsletter 6th January 2023

          Weekly Newsletter 6.1.2023
Posted On 06 Jan 2023
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Merry Christmas Everyone!

  Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful Christmas time!   We will see all the children back in School on Tuesday the 3rd January 2023.
Posted On 16 Dec 2022
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Weekly Newsletter 16th December 2022

        Weekly Newsletter 16.12.2022
Posted On 16 Dec 2022
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Weekly Newsletter 9th December 2022 & Monthly Attendance Monthly Newsletter

  Attendance Monthly Newsletter – December 2022 Weekly Newsletter 9.12.2022
Posted On 09 Dec 2022
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Weekly Newsletter 2nd December 2022

        Weekly Newsletter 2.12.2022  
Posted On 02 Dec 2022
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Midday Supervisory Assistant Job Vacancy

  Please see below for a new vacancy at Park Grove Primary Academy. Please let anyone know who may be interested in this role.   Midday Supervisory Assistant Park Grove Primary Academy, York £10.50 – £10.79 per hour, plus 6 weeks paid holiday 5 hours per week,...
Posted On 02 Dec 2022
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Children in Need Donations

We are pleased to inform you that Park Grove raised a grand total of £312.00 for Children in Need. Thank you so much for all your kind donations!
Posted On 25 Nov 2022
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Weekly Newsletter 25th November 2022

    Weekly Newsletter 25.11.2022
Posted On 25 Nov 2022
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Training day 25th November

There is a teacher training day on  Friday 25th November, so school will be closed. School will reopen again on Monday 28th November.
Posted On 24 Nov 2022
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Weekly Newsletter 18th November 2022

  Weekly Newsletter 18.11.2022
Posted On 18 Nov 2022
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Children in Need

  Next Friday is Children in Need (18th November). We would like to invite everyone to come to school in their pyjamas or wearing spotty clothes. Please remember we will still be going outside at playtimes so they will need their coats! You may also like to bring a soft toy...
Posted On 11 Nov 2022
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Weekly Newsletter 11th November 2022

Weekly newsletter 2
Posted On 11 Nov 2022
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Weekly Newsletter 4th November 2022

Weekly Newsletter 1
Posted On 04 Nov 2022
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    Our attendance for this week is 92.3% and our target is 97%. Please make sure your children are in school everyday on time.
Posted On 14 Oct 2022
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Open afternoon for prospective new parents

  We would like to invite any parents of reception children due to start school in September 2023 to our open prospective parents afternoon next month. This will take place on Wednesday 2nd November at 1:30pm-2:30pm.  We will share important information about our school and...
Posted On 07 Oct 2022
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Harvest Festival

  Our EYFS and KS1 pupils will enjoy a Harvest Festival celebration at St. Thomas’ Church on the 13th October.   We hope the children have fun singing their favourite autumn and harvest songs, whilst giving thanks for all the food they have.
Posted On 04 Oct 2022
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We stand together

Park Grove Primary Academy stands with the rest of the nation in expressing our gratitude and respect for the life of Her Majesty The Queen, her loyal service and devotion to duty for seven decades. As a mark of respect, we will not be posting on social media for the duration of...
Posted On 09 Sep 2022
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A great first week!!!

  Welcome back to all the children at Park Grove!! They have all done really well and had a fantastic start to the term and a brilliant first week!!
Posted On 09 Sep 2022
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Grove Fest!!

Friday 15th July from 5.30pm is Grove Fest (Park Grove Summer Fair). There will be loads of fun activities and everyone is invited!! We hope you all enjoy a great evening!
Posted On 15 Jul 2022
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Happy Summer Holiday’s!!!

  We wish you all a wonderful Summer, stay safe and have fun!! We break up on Friday 22nd July at 12.00pm and we will see the children back in school all refreshed on Tuesday 6th September!!  
Posted On 12 Jul 2022
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Scarborough Trip!!

  Next Week on Tuesday the 21st June the whole school will be going on a trip to Scarborough!!   We hope everyone has a fantastic time!!
Posted On 14 Jun 2022
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Happy Bank Holiday!!

  We hope you all have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend, let’s hope the weather is great!   We will see the children back in school on Tuesday 3rd May.
Posted On 29 Apr 2022
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Happy Easter!!!

  We just want to remind you that we break up on Friday (8th April) at the slightly earlier time of 2.30pm.   We wish you all a wonderful Easter Holiday. Relax, have fun and stay safe.   We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday the 25th April.
Posted On 05 Apr 2022
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Red Nose Day!!

  Red Nose Day is on Friday the 18th March!! We would love to see the children dressed in red for this great cause.
Posted On 11 Mar 2022
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Training Day on Friday!

There is a Training Day this Friday the 11th March, the school will be closed for pupils. We hope the children enjoy their day off and we will see them back in School on Monday the 14th March.  
Posted On 08 Mar 2022
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World Book Day 2022

World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd March and we hope you’ll join us as we come together to encourage every child in school to be a reader and love books. To celebrate World Book Day, we will have plenty of fun activities taking place throughout the day including: •...
Posted On 02 Mar 2022
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Cake Sale for Amelie

  Park Grove School Council Hold a Cake Sale to raise money for Amelie. A little girl, Amelie, from one of our Ebor schools needed our help and School Council decided to hold a cake sale to raise money for her treatment. Eight-year-old Amelie Round, of class 3G at Tockwith...
Posted On 04 Feb 2022
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Christmas Holidays early finish!

  Just to remind everyone that we break up at 12pm this Friday 17th December for the Christmas Holidays !! We hope that you all have a fantastic Christmas time and look forward to seeing you all again when the school re-opens on Tuesday 4th January.  
Posted On 14 Dec 2021
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Christmas dates

We know how busy Christmas time gets so we thought it would be useful if we put together a list of key dates to help! Christmas dates for parents.docx
Posted On 01 Dec 2021
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Final Ofsted Report!!

  Our final Ofsted report has been sent to all of our parents on Parent Hub today.   We are delighted with our inspection result and would like to thank you all for your contributions and comments. Your children were amazing during the inspection and we are so very...
Posted On 19 Nov 2021
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Training Day Friday 19th November

  Just to remind you all that Friday 19th November is a Training Day. The children will not be coming into school on this day and we hope they enjoy the extra long weekend!
Posted On 12 Nov 2021
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Dark Grove amazing funds raised!

  We would like to thank the PTA everyone who attended ‘Dark Grove’. We made a staggering £1374.17!!! Which will go towards funding experiences and resources for the children. Well done everyone!!!
Posted On 05 Nov 2021
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