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Christmas Lunch

  At Park Grove we will be providing the children with a Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 19th December. Details will follow shortly.  
Posted On 13 Nov 2018
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Class 9 Assembly

    Class 9 will be having a Vikings assembly on Tuesday 27th November at 9am. We hope to see many parents there!
Posted On 13 Nov 2018
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Class 8 Assembly

  Class 8 will be having an ‘Anglo-Saxon Power’ assembly on Tuesday 20th November at 9am. We hope to see many parents there!
Posted On 13 Nov 2018
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October Autumnal Events!

Please see below our PTA October events coming up soon at Park Grove! AGM – Monday 15th October – 7pm at the Gillygate Pub Everyone is welcome to come to the PTA AGM. We will be discussing committee positions as well as planning events, fundraising ideas/funding...
Posted On 10 Oct 2018
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Harvest Festival

  EYFS and KS1 will be walking to St.Thomas’ church for their Harvest Festival celebration on Tuesday 16th October.    
Posted On 05 Oct 2018
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Open Afternoons for Prospective Parents

We welcome prospective parents to come and look around Park Grove Primary Academy.  Please contact us via email or telephone if you would like to attend either afternoon. Wednesday 7th November 1.30pm-3pm and Wednesday 28th November 1.30pm-3pm.
Posted On 02 Oct 2018
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Parents’ Evening

Parents/Carers are invited into school to discuss your child’s work with their teacher on Tuesday 23rd  October and Thursday 25th October.  Letters to be sent out shortly.
Posted On 02 Oct 2018
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Young Minds Charity Day

On Wednesday 10th October we are having a Young Minds Awareness day… Young Minds is a charity which promotes positive mental health in children and young people and aims to provide support and build resilience so they are empowered to face whatever challenges life brings....
Posted On 02 Oct 2018
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