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Light//Moves – York Mediale 2018

Posted On 27 Nov 2018
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In the first half term, classes 8 and 9 were involved in a new and exciting opportunity, creating a unique dance experience as part of the York Mediale 2018.

In the sessions, the classes explored dance with professional practitioners Hannah and Drew as well as combining coding and science elements within the sessions. We learnt how programmers use basic instructions to code a sequence, using the same method to form our own dance routines in groups.
We also linked our science work exploring light, as we learnt how light travels in straight lines and incorporated this idea and style of movement into our final routine. With the help of Tigger, a lighting designer, we also used lights triggered by movement sensors within our actual performance. A group also developed their knowledge of the media arts with Master of the Guild of Media Arts Mat Lazenby, combining visuals using edited photographs to project during the performance.

This all culminated in a fantastic performance on Friday 5th October, combining all the different elements into an amazing spectacle – and now a video has been released of this whole project. Please watch below!

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