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Maths & English information evening

Posted On 12 Jun 2015
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I thoroughly enjoyed attending the maths and English information evening this week! Parents were offered a great range of workshops to attend and learn more about the types of teaching methods used in school.

As a parent of a Key Stage 1 child, I was particularly interested in learning about the different resources used to support calculation for this age group and the ‘calculations methods workshop’ delivered by Vicky Hearson did just that. As an English graduate, I would never admit to my little girl that mental maths is not my strong point – I enjoyed this at school but it’s been many, many, (many) years since I have had to engage in this type of maths and technology has clearly made me lazy!
It was an incredibly practical and helpful session which provided a very clear overview of the level of maths children are expected to engage with at Key Stage 1. It was also fantastic to see the huge range of strategies used to ensure every child has a method (or methods) to suit their style and stage of learning.

Next, I attended Lynn Bilton’s session ‘Talk for writing’ which introduced an approach used in Early Years and Key Stage 1 to support and develop children’s writing. We saw how this innovative approach is being used to communicate complex concepts such as structure and character; and ultimately how it can help learners put pen to paper. We were also encouraged to think as parents about how we can use fun and physical methods at home to consolidate learning. Lynn’s energy and passion came across and the positive reaction from parents around the room was clear to see. I came away really inspired!

I spoke with quite a few parents throughout and after the evening – all were just so impressed by the range of creative approaches to engage learners at Park Grove. As usual I also came away feeling extremely lucky that Lola attends such an amazing and inclusive school – and so proud to be part of it in my role as Parent Governor.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the teaching team for taking the time to put on an amazing evening!

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