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Next week…

The Year 5’s will continue to explore “The Adventures of Odysseus” and will develop their skills to work mathematically to solve problems.

The end of year play is getting closer for the Year 6’s so we will be continuing to hone our singing and acting skills to produce a fantastic performance. Please ensure your lines have been learnt!

Other notes
On Wednesday it is transition morning and all children will spend time with their next teacher in their next classroom.

As parents will know, Strike Action will take place on Tuesday 5th July which will affect Class 9. I have not taken this decision lightly; I feel strongly about my role and position as a teacher and want to do the best I can for all the children I teach, including the children I will teach in the future. It is only because of my passion to continue my career for the years to come, and ensure that the profession and teachers in it are valued, that I feel I must stand up for what I believe in. This includes standing up for working conditions in all schools and argue against proposed funding cuts which would affect standards overall. I appreciate it is a difficult situation but hope you understand that I am doing this because of my dedication to childrens’ learning. Thank you.

About the Author
  1. Osc@r

    I really enjoyed the transition morning – meeting everyone else who will be in Class 9 next year and all the fun activities we completed! 🙂 😀 😛 😉