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Next week…


Next week in maths we will be revising Roman numerals and negative numbers.


In English, we will use our drama skills relating to work on Street Child.


Remember to learn the list of spellings given to you this week for a test next Wednesday.


Class 9’s trip to the Castle Museum will be on Tuesday.  Also please make sure you bring in your packed lunch and a sensible pair of shoes to walk in.

Don’t forget that Thursday is toy day. As usual we ask that you don’t bring anything that might be easily damaged, electronic or is very valuable. It would be a super idea to bring in a toy or game you can enjoy sharing with a friend.

We also finish at 2:30 because it is the last day of a full term!

About the Author
  1. Sophia

    Please can somebody send me this weeks spellings!!

  2. sophia

    please can someone send me this weeks spellings

  3. Onett

    I = 1
    V = 5
    X = 10
    L = 50
    C = 100
    D = 500
    M = 1000

  4. Jaimie

    That is cool, Onett! I knew all of them apart from D = 500! Can you work out what is MDCVI?