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Next week in Class 6

Posted On 12 May 2016
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Next week in English we will start to write our own quest myths based on Ancient Greek myths and legends!


We have looked at spellings containing the letters ch that make the sound /k/.

We have given you 10 spellings to learn. Please also complete the activity on your spelling sheet, ready for your test next week.


Please remember to read at home every day and fill in your Reading Record once a week please.


In maths next week we will be working on data and statistics.

Remember to work on the times table that we have asked you to learn for the Times Table Challenge.

We have set you a task on My Maths. You have your individual homework log-ins but to access the website the school username is: parkgrove and the password is: multiply.

Other Notes

Please remember your swimming kit on Monday. We have two sessions of swimming left.

On Tuesday afternoon it is our next book sharing half hour, starting at 2:50 pm. Please come along to look at your child’s books and brilliant work if you can.


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Land

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