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PSHCE play!

This afternoon, we were playing a lot of board games in Class 9, but it wasn’t just all fun and games! These board games were to help us understand how to act in different social situations, how to deal with different emotions and how to get along with others respectfully.

The games were very interesting and gave us a lot to think about. Class 9 – what did you enjoy/find interesting about these games?


About the Author
  1. Joseph

    I enjoyed playing all the different games about social skills. 😀

  2. Dan

    I was ill so I didn’t do it 🙁

  3. Betsy

    All of those games look exciting and fun!

  4. Jake

    I had fun playing these board games with my group.

  5. Ella

    My favourite thing would be well, I just really like playing games. I liked knowing when people have seen people with different emotions too!

  6. Dominic

    The games were fun and creative 🙂

  7. helen

    I found these games interesting as there were different dilemmas to solve and I found the board games awsome

  8. Sophie

    The board games were very interesting to play.