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Roman Numerals…

Today in maths we completed a range of exciting challenges to help improve our understanding of Roman Numerals in a variety of different contexts.


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  1. 0sc@r

    I enjoyed working both individually and as a team! 🙂 😀 😛 😉

  2. Emma

    I really enjoyed this lesson and I would like to do more!

  3. leah

    I feel very confident with roman numerals!

  4. Janet

    I was really confident at the activities and I enjoyed them a lot ! ; )

  5. kyran

    i really enjoyed doing roman numaarals in maths

  6. Louie

    The lesson was really awesome. I especially enjoyed when we had to match up the numbers to the roman numerals!pupilpg

  7. mani

    I know there are seven symbols : I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000 !

  8. Kian

    This lesson helped me expand my knowledge of Roman Numerals

  9. Ivy

    I liked learning about roman numerals as I had forgotten a bit about them!

  10. Aruma

    I really enjoyed the roman numerals work! We worked as a team then took turns in ordering them and pairing them to modern day numbers.

  11. Lucy

    i enjoyed the roman numerals session, i have a much clearer understanding now we have gone back over them. 🙂

  12. stanley

    I can remember all the numbers,they are:

    I,II,III=1,2,3 D=500

    v=5 M=1000




  13. Sam Salter

    I now know that:

    I = 1
    V = 5
    X = 10
    C = 100
    D = 500

    But I only knew I and V before the lesson.

  14. Sam Salter

    I now know that:

    I = 1
    V = 5
    X = 10
    C = 100
    D = 500

    But I only knew I and V before the lesson.

  15. Lauren

    I absolutely love learning about roman numerals mainly because i really understand how to read the numbers

  16. Joe

    I really enjoyed this lesson because it was challenging and different! 🙂

  17. Av

    At first I wasn’t sure really what number goes with what because I wasn’t here when you learnt this, but now that we have had another lesson on it I feel very confident on roman numerals and now I understand what number goes with what!!! ;0 🙂

  18. FLETCHER!!!

    I enjoy doing roman numerals as they are tricky yetfun

  19. Harvey

    I love roman numerals!

  20. olivia

    I really enjoyed doing the roman numerals quiz and games .

  21. Amalie

    This lesson was very amusing

  22. Abi

    I feel very confident with roman numerals and I liked the activities because we did we used a lot of group work!

  23. H@rvey

    I can remember that:
