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School Council Minutes 11th November 2013

Posted On 13 Nov 2013
Comment: Off


Chair: William and Bethan

Vice-chair: Travis

Treasurer: Ben

Secretary: Holly

Chief-bloggers: Toby, Olivia and Mani

Special Project Managers: Katie and Fletcher



Ben Brannigan, Bethan Parkinson, Ellen Jones, Elliott Jones, Fletcher Pendry, Holly Allison, Jacob McCullough, Katarina Savkovic, Katie Clark, Mani Cobb, Manon Hollingsworth, Miss Sawyer, Mr Mastrelli, Olivia Bryan, Shamim Kennedy, Toby McKee, Travis Bradford and William Clark.



Miss Tilbury and Moya Coughlan.



William and Bethan read out the agenda.




Register of Attendees

Holly made a note of those present.



Every School Council member received a folder to store meeting agendas and minutes in and a School Council badge. Caps will arrive soon. School Council members should bring their folders into every meeting, wear their badges every day, and wear caps in the playground.


Update on Books

Miss Campbell had received the letter about having more books and will add more books to the library shortly.


Update on Christmas Fair

* Ben showed a tray of jars that he had brought in for the School Council to sell.

* Several members of the School Council made an announcement in the hall to remind children in school about bringing in jars, and those few members of the Council made a very good speech.

* Toby needs to do a PowerPoint for the letter about cones for the popcorn machine.

* Children bringing in jars should keep them in their own classrooms.

* The School Council requires six copies of the letter that Katie wrote.


Core Values

The School Council went over the core values of the School:

* Excellence

* Fun

* Inspiration

* Individuality

* Inclusion

* Creativity


Any Other Business

Several topics were discussed and points noted:

* Behaviour in the playground is very good.

* Katie had gone to get the six copies of her letter.

* Every child in Key Stage 2 now has a school e-mail address.

* How to help an adult or child in School.

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