School Council Minutes 9.11.16
· Register
· Discuss ‘Children in Need’ feedback sheets and who will write the letter to parents.
· Take group photo for the blog and decide who will write an introduction paragraph for the blog.
· Introduce school rights and responsibilities
· Children in Need
Every class brought their ‘Children in Need’ suggestion sheets back and all had lots of ideas. Molly and Imogen will meet at lunchtime to write a letter to parents telling them about the ‘spotacular’ event.
· Paragraph for the blog
Oscar and Luke will meet to write a paragraph for the new website about the school council.
· School rights and responsibilities
We discussed the rights of the child and thought about how we could use them to write some school rights and responsibilities.
Each school councillor has been given a sentence opener to complete with their class.
I have the right to play and the responsibility to …
I have the right to be included and the responsibility to …
I have the right to treated with respect and the responsibility to …
I have the right to hear positive language and the responsibility to …
I have the right to be surrounded by good manners and the responsibility to …