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The Ice Creams Are On Us! Free, Free, Free.

Posted On 25 May 2016
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Our exciting Ofsted Celebration Ice Cream Fest is in less than 24hrs time (Thursday at 3.15pm). To make the event go ‘smoothly’ then we have ‘whipped up’ a cunning plan to ‘melt away’ any problems.

Everyone is invited to come down and choose an ice cream / ice lolly. Whether you are a member of staff, a governor, a parent/carer, a child, a young sibling, a member of Koosh or one of the chickens – all are welcome!
However, there will be a lot of ‘Funny Feet’ and ‘Nobbly Bobbly’ knees heading towards the PTA stand and we want to avoid a ‘Ripple’ effect or worst still a ‘Twister’.
Therefore we will have 6 separate labelled stations outside near the amphitheatre (or in the hall if raining) where you can go up and choose one of the following so do look for the correct queue to correspond with your ‘Ice Dream’.
Fruit Split Ice Lollies

Rocket Lollies

Fab Lollies

Strawberry and Vanilla Cones

Mint Chocolate Chip Cones

Toffee and Vanilla Cones 
The stand will have plenty of helpers so do ask if you have any questions especially about allergies etc. If parents (esp KS1) and staff (esp KS2) could talk to children about the choice before they queue then it should be a very ‘slick’, ‘smooth’ operation.
Thank you
The PTA Committee.

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