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Victorian Toys…

This afternoon we learnt all about Victorian toys and created a poster all about them. What did you enjoy about this session?


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  1. Louie

    I really enjoyed writing about this because it was really interesting learning about the toys and then putting the information onto a poster which was really fun!

  2. mani

    I liked learning about all the different toys rich and poor Victorian children used.

  3. Chelsea

    I enjoyed making the posters and finding out about the different types of toys the rich and poor people played with.

  4. Molly

    I really enjoyed this activity because I found out about Victorian toys.

  5. lauren

    Learning how different poor and rich Victorian toys were different to modern day toys.

  6. Kian

    I enjoyed making the posters about my made up toy shop and I liked the fact that I said that I was working with Mani’s toy shop.

  7. Travis

    I enjoyed looking at the toys because it was quite interesting to see what type of toys victorian kids had.

  8. Emma

    I found this lesson interesting, fun and I learnt a lot from it.

  9. Sam Salter

    I mostly enjoyed finding out about the different toys Rich children played with compared to what poor children played with.

  10. kyran

    Making the posters was really fun!

  11. olivia

    My favourite part of this lesson was finding out about lots and lots of different Victorian toys and then you could tell the difference between our toys these days and toys in the Victorian days .

  12. Kyle

    I liked looking at the Victorian toys because it made me feel what sort of toys they couldn’t have now.

  13. Nicola (PlaygroundBuddy)

    I really enjoyed researching the different toys and then finding a way to try and put them in my poster. But in a different (and creative) way to the other posters other pupils have created. :] 🙂

  14. leah

    I learnt that toys from the Victorian times are very different from toys that we use today although some Victorian toys are still around like skipping ropes, dolls, rocking horses.

  15. Abi

    I enjoyed drawing pictures on my poster and finding different toys from the Victorian times.

  16. Avalon

    I really liked drawing Victorian toys, I really enjoyed the whole lesson.

  17. Aruma

    I found it interesting researching how much the toys would have cost because we could compere the price to what they would be worth now.

  18. FLEtcher

    Genraly i just enjoy doing posters

  19. Avalon

    I really liked drawing Victorian toys, I really enjoyed the whole lesson. 😉

  20. Amalie Hind-Davis

    I loved having lessons on the Victorian toys my poster was all about skipping ropes!

  21. EddyJinks

    I extremely enjoyed this lesson because i liked learning about the types of toys that Victorian children might have played with and it was fun creating a poster to advertise them:)

  22. Ben Bell (school council)

    I enjoyed learning what Victorian toys were like and looking at the different posters which the toys were in. I also enjoyed comparing rich children’s toys to poor children’s toys.

  23. Stanley

    In this lesson I found out that 12p is equivalent to 1 shilling and that and how many toys the children can play with as there was a quite a few different types of toys .

  24. Jade

    I enjoyed everything about this lesson!!!

  25. OSC@R

    I enjoyed designing a poster and coming up with prices for the toys. I called my items things like ‘Hoops of happiness’, ‘Rocking horses of relaxation’ and ‘Dolls of delight’. 😀

  26. Ivy

    I enjoyed doing the poster of my rocking horse and coming up with catchy slogans.

  27. Janet

    I liked playing the Victorian games and making the Victorian posters because they were really fun.

  28. lucy

    I really enjoyed this session because I learnt loads about the prices and what Victorian toys were actually like!