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Bonfire Day/Night

Posted On 05 Nov 2014
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Class 6 had an explosive day, bursting with Bonfire-related activities!

First we had our Key Stage 2 assembly. Well done to the four confident poets who performed their excellent poems about this exciting time of year!

Then we learnt all about the famous plotters, including Guido Fawkes who hailed from York, in guided reading. We practised our spotter skills and we all also now know the historical tale behind Bonfire Night.

After break, we then completed a tricky collaborative maths problem, planning our own Bonfire party! Some children worked out which shop we would buy our fireworks from, others which fireworks we should buy, some children looked into where we would hold our party and the last group worked out how much the food at our party would cost us! Of course it was all imaginary but we had a fun mathematical challenge deciding it all!

What a lot of hard work!

Well done Class 6! – Miss Land.



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