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Circumference of a circle…

On Tuesday morning we used the formula: pie x diameter to calculate the circumference of different circles. I was really impressed with how some children became teachers to help other children who were initially struggling with this concept!


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  1. Molly

    it was fun I liked it very much.

  2. Jade

    I really enjoyed this task even though i found it quite hard

  3. Jade

    I really enjoyed this task even though i found it quite hard to do

  4. Alexander Savkovic (playground buddy)

    I really enjoyed working with my pair to work out the circumference of a race track! 😀 😉

  5. 0sc@r

    I found this activity very fun and I enjoyed helping other children with it too!

  6. leah

    When we started this lesson i thought it was going to be really hard but it actually turned out really easy!!

  7. Sam Salter

    I am very pleased that the school are letting us use Pi ( 3.14 ) !!!

  8. lauren

    I really enjoyed this lesson even though it was really challenging.

  9. Harvey

    I love the diamiter,radious and circumference of a circle.

  10. Kyle

    At first i was a bit unsure about this but now I’m more confident with how to use the formula to calculate the circumference of a circle.

  11. Joe

    I love maths ! this lesson was challenging but fun!

  12. Eddy

    I really enjoyed this activity as i find algebra a very interesting part of maths and learning about pi was rather fun indeed. Plus i’m in the picture for this blog page!!!

  13. Aruma

    I really enjoyed working out the circumference of a circle,as it was something I had never tried. 3.14 X Diameter = Circumference! 🙂

  14. Kian

    This was a really fun activity and I enjoyed helping pepole who were struggling.


    I found this really tricky


    but it was a good challenge

  17. kyran

    I found this hard.

  18. Harvey

    Pi r2 (squared) = c

    Pi d = c