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Class 3 and 4 Newsletter Monday 3rd February

Posted On 31 Jan 2014
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This week will be learning about poems. To begin with we will read some aloud to the class and add actions and sound effects. We will also be looking at rhyming words and how to use these in a poem. Have you any animal poems at home you’d like to bring in to share?



In Maths this week we will be thinking about division as sharing and division as repeated subtraction. We need to remember to share into equal groups so our answers are correct! Can you share your toys equally with someone at home? Can you share some sweets equally into 2 groups, 3 groups or 4 groups? We will also be looking at the vocabulary used in maths for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Can you write down some words that mean the same as these and bring them in to help within class?



Our topic lesson this week involves creative writing and looks at conservation of the rainforest. We will look at the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland Australia. We will read a story to help us imagine what it would be like to explore deep into the dark forest. We will then talk about how the Daintree Forest is under threat from development.


Next Week

We will be looking back at what we have learnt during our rainforest topic. What do we know now that we didn’t know at the beginning? Did you enjoy the topic? Is there anything else you want to know about rainforests?


Other Notes

Please ensure that all children have a full PE kit. A named white t-shirt, shorts and plimsolls.


It is very cold at the moment so please could all children bring coats, gloves and scarves to keep warm.


Thank you,


Miss Plews, Mrs Hearson and Mrs Carr-Brion

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