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English Lessons with Miss Sawyer

Miss Sawyer will be teaching English in our class during the last week of the half term! What would you like to let her know about our English lessons or your favourite piece of writing so far?

About the Author
  1. Rudy

    My favourite piece so far is writing Thomas Kempe when you had to do it in informal language.

  2. Sam

    That should be really fun!
    I would really like to do some free writing!

  3. Amira

    I like being able to draft out things on whiteboards because I can change things easily. Also I think having a thesaurus is very helpful so I can make my work better.

  4. leila and Alfie

    We like how you don’t have to write it up neatly first.

  5. Ellie P

    Could we do exciting writing? When we did it before it was very fun!

  6. Darby

    I like how we can write on our whiteboards and plan out our work.

  7. Martha

    I am really looking forward to being taught by Miss Sawyer. I really liked doing poems (especially kennings.)I hope we do something fun.


  8. Toby

    Having a whiteboard and a pen in front of me while I’m writing English really helps me improve my work since I can easily change my mistakes and improve my work.

  9. Max

    I really like writing, so I am looking forward to it!

  10. piran and huw

    changing a formal piece of writing into a informal piece of writing and Piran’s is the potion instruction.

  11. Katie

    I am looking forward to what you will teach us.

  12. Caleb

    I loved writing the diary of James Harrison of East End Lane after Bert Ellison came to James’s house! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  13. leo

    My favourite piece of writing so far is when we had to do it in very informal writing – it was fun.

  14. Max Rigby

    My favourite piece of writing was when we persuaded Mr Yates about the next High Adventure trip for the year fives to go.

  15. jordan

    I cant wait to do lessons with Miss Sawyer I think it will be great fun. I hope we do stuff like Shakespeare style poems or stories.I think it will be great.I am not happy that we won’t have MS.Campbell because she is a great teacher with good qualities.

    jordan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Cameron

    I loved the informal writing. 😛 😛

  17. euan

    my favourite writing is my diary about James because it was wickedly fun.

  18. Ellie

    I can’t wait for you to teach us.

  19. Lydia

    I’m looking forward to doing on Shakespeare because he sounds really interesting and I can’t wait to learn about his plays.
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  20. leo

    i think it is going to be fun getting taught by miss sawyer 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)!!!!

  21. Amy & Ailsa !

    I’m going to like doing English with Miss Sawyer, and its probably going to be very different with Miss Sawyer!

    Well with Miss Campbell it’s always intresting and fun writing
    but, it’s going to be fun with Miss Sawyer too because we don’t know what type of writing, so it will surprising!

    Comment form Amy :O ^

    I don’t know what to expect, but I guess it will be fun. I prefer English over Maths anyway. I’m kind of looking forward to it.

    Comment from Ailsa ^

  22. Miss Sawyer

    Well of course it will be fun, children!!!! Yes you can have your whiteboards! I saw some of the projects in class 9 today and I can’t wait for some of you to come down and show me yours. You have me for a whole week of English so it’s very exciting. You have high expectations, or so it seems, so I better plan something fun!!! Bring your pens, your imaginations, your creativity and your super brain power. Don’t worry about it because I love teaching English so I am convinced you will enjoy it. I hope Ms Campbell will enjoy putting her feet up for a week!!! Hahaha!

    Miss Sawyer

  23. Mrs Ramli and Ms Lamb

    Putting her feet up…!?
    I know she won’t be putting her feet up because we’ve invited her into Class 1 to see our ‘Exciting Writing’on Monday. We’ll keep you busy, no doubt about that. We have a ‘super sentence’ board that we can’t wait to show you! Ms Lamb

    • class8

      I’m really looking forward to it!

  24. oliver

    I hope miss sawyer teaches us sum good stuf i erd from miss cambell shes good…..

  25. Bethan (School council)

    Sounds like you had a great week doing literacy class 8!

    • Lydia

      Yeah, it was great! 🙂

  26. Katie

    It was great (I still have the stickers and they still smell). 🙂 🙂