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Hubble Bubble

We’ve started our new topic by writing some poems. You were really good at rhyming today. We’re going to look at alliteration next where most words begin with the same letter. Tongue twisters do this. Can you make one up? Here is a well known one.


She sells sea shells on the sea shore.


How quickly can you say it and not get your tongue in a twist?

About the Author
  1. Rylie Ackroyd

    I love Hubble Bubble

  2. Rylie Ackroyd

    I love Hubble Bubble. It is a lovely topic .

  3. Dylan (school council)

    red lorry yelow lorry red lorry yelow lorry

  4. Dinithi

    I am really looking forward to Hubble bubble.

  5. Rylie Ackroyd

    I am really looking forward to Hubble Bubble.