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Next week…


In maths we will be starting to explore algebra by looking at simple formula and equations.


Next week in English we will be continuing to write balanced arguments, linking to an important topic in our work on Street Child by Berlie Doherty.


Remember to complete the spelling homework activity on -tious and -cious either in your grammar or your homework book for next Thursday.


Classes 8 and 9 have an exciting theatre trip coming up next Friday and the following Wednesday. Remember to bring in your confirmation slip as soon as possible.
If you are going on Friday, make sure your bring your packed lunch and a sensible pair of shoes to walk to the De Grey Rooms in.

About the Author
  1. ben br

    i can not wait for maths and i love balanced arguments but its not going to be the same without mr jones

  2. Sam Salter

    I love algebra!!!And I can’t wait until the theater trip on Friday.

  3. Molly

    That sounds great. 🙂

  4. lauren

    I am really excited to start learning about algebra in Maths and for the trip .

  5. Aruma

    I can’t wait to do algebra as I find it really exiting!!! 🙂

  6. Travis

    Woop! I’m actually quite excited for algebra. Seems very fun, in my eyes at least.

  7. Stanley

    I can’t wait to do algebra in maths this week!

  8. FLEtChEr!

    looking forward to the trip

  9. Chelsea

    I am very excited about this week but mostly about our trip.

  10. leah

    This week will be fun!!

  11. Amalie

    I am looking forward to the exiting subjects we are going to do

  12. Amalie

    I am looking forward to the exiting subjects we are going to do they sound very fun