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Positive language week

When you thought I wasn’t listening I heard you say…. and I learnt…

About the Author
  1. Caleb

    When you thought I wasn’t listening, I heard you say that you were going to take me camping, and that happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. 😛

  2. Nikoo (school council)

    When you thought I wasn listening I heard you say a comforting phrase to your upset friend and I learnt that true friends are always there for you

  3. Sam (school council)

    When you thought I wasn’t listening I heard you,say my work was neat then I learnt you have to try your hardest all the time.

  4. Lilliana

    When you thought I wasn’t listening, I heard you say to your friend “Thank you,” and I learnt that politeness is good manners.

  5. Ivy

    When you thought I wasn’t listening I heard you say that I was great at drawing and I learned that anyone can be creative and imaginative.

  6. devi

    when u thought i wasn’t listening i heard u giggle and learnt having fun can always cheer u up even on the saddest of days.

  7. Elly

    When you thought i wasn’t listening i heard you apologies and that was the moment i learnt to say sorry even when i am in the wrong.

  8. Martha

    When you thought I wasn’t listening , I heard you say sorry to the small , upset girl you had just knocked over and I learnt that if you do something wrong , even if it is hard to say , it is always best if you say sorry.

  9. leah

    When you thought i wasent listening i heard you laugh hystericlly over one little thing and i learnt that it is impotant to laugh!

  10. oliver

    i just liked positive language week!


  11. emma

    When you thought I wasn’t listening I heard you say what you were going to get me for Christmas, I learnt that Christmas makes joy!

  12. Cameron

    When you thought i wasn’t blogging i saw you say one of the nicest things i’ve heard and i learnt to always say nice things when you think they are not blogging 🙂 yayyy go meee!!!