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School Council Minutes 30th April 2014

Posted On 07 May 2014
Comment: Off


Chair: William and Bethan

Vice-chair: Travis

Treasurer: Ben

Secretary: Holly

Chief-bloggers: Toby, Olivia and Mani

Special Project Managers: Katie and Fletcher



Ben, Ellen, Elliott, Fletcher, Holly, Jacob, Katarina, Katie, Manon, Mani, Miss Sawyer, Mr Mastrelli, Mrs Helliwell, Olivia, Rylie, Shamim, Toby, and Travis.


Moya, Bethan and William.


Miss Sawyer introduced the topics for discussion.


Register of Attendees

Holly made a note of those present.

Playground equipment

Mr Mastrelli has ordered all the playground equipment and there will be a rota that Manon and Travis will write to inform the School Council about when to bring the boxes with equipment outside. The School Council will need to put labels on the boxes depending on which toys are in a particular box. Toby will have the job of writing labels for the boxes, which will then be laminated and put on them. The School Council will have a shared role with the Playground Buddies where they will need to bring the equipment out and bring it back in again. Each class will get a go with the equipment.

Summer Fair 

The School Council discussed what they could have on their stall. A few ideas were toffee apples, a cake stall, lemonade, coconut shy, wet sponge throwing at teachers/ PTA/Governors, ice cream, hook-a-duck, penalty shoot-out and strawberry kebabs with chocolate on them. The School Council will write a letter asking the PTA to let them have a stall for free, and recapped on what happened at the Christmas Fair last year, when the PTA matched the £150 raised on the School Council stall. The School Governors also contributed £100 pounds, so the School Council raised £400 in total.

Any other business

Mr Mastrelli offered to sort out the penalty shoot out.

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