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Top Tips

Posted On 05 Dec 2016
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Some Top Tips
The Christmas Fair is on Friday. We won’t raise a good amount without lots of help/contributions. Here are some top tips on how everyone can contribute with it hardly costing a penny: 
Rummage around for any unwanted presents for the tombolas

Look for any unwanted/unloved quality children’s items 

Could you donate any excess sweets/crisps/boxed cakes/biscuits?

Do you have links to a local business for tombola prizes?

Do you have any bottles (e.g. wine/beer/cider) going spare ?

Ask relatives/friends/neighbours for donations of the above 

Remember that children have great pester power

Buy a cheap item to donate to the tombola (£1 shop, Boyes, Home Bargains etc)

Sign up on the volunteer sheet for a slot (they are from 9am onwards)
The Christmas Fair is a great fundraiser – bring your family/friends 
If you can – please share on Social Media 
Like our Park Grove Facebook page 
The red donation bucket and volunteer sheet are outside of Class 3.

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