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Have a Wonderful Christmas!

You’ve all worked incredibly hard this term so please have a lovely holiday with your families and friends! Remember that you’ll be needing your PE kits on Mondays in the New Year and why not start thinking of a name for our goat?!

Enjoy Christmas,
With Best Wishes from Ms Campbell and Miss Slater

class 8 goat

About the Author
  1. Caleb

    Happy Christmas Everyone I want the goat to be called Boris Johnson 😀

  2. Morgan

    I really want the goat to be called Henry!

  3. Bethan (school council)

    Wait you have a goat? Maybe you should call it Homer!

  4. Lydia

    Hope everyone in Class8 had a great Christmas and new year. Also I agree with Caleb’s suggestion of Boris. It might be a bit weird, though! 🙂 😉